
Initial commit
Daniel Moch committed 4 years ago (Tree)


 doc/smartsplit.vim | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 plugin/smartsplit.vim | 83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

doc/smartsplit.vim (created)

1 +*smartsplit.txt* You're lazy. Let Vim decide your split directions.
2 +
3 +Author: Daniel Moch <>
4 +License: VIM LICENSE
5 +
6 + *smartsplit*
7 +
8 +Yeah, you're aware of split/vsplit, new/vnew and the like. You use them
9 +because you have to, but you know there must be a better way. This is it.
10 +
11 +Vim, given it's old pedigree, tacitly assumes a standard terminal width of
12 +around 80 characters. In this environment it makes sense for Vim to assume any
13 +command that divides the current window should divide horizonally. But our
14 +monitors are often capable of more than twice the width of an old terminal, so
15 +this doesn't make sense any more.
16 +
17 +One sensible option, which this plugin adopts, is to make a best-guess at the
18 +width of the text displayed in the current window (see 'textwidth'. Then
19 +operations should default to vertical if there is enough horizonal room to
20 +display two splits side-by-side.
21 +
22 +This plugin provides :Help, :Split, :New, and :Buffer commands to replace
23 +their lower-case counterparts. It also sets 'diffopt' to split in either a
24 +horizontal or vertical direction, again depending on the horizontal space
25 +available.
26 +
27 +1. Commands |smartsplit-commands|
28 +2. About |smartsplit-about|
29 +
30 +=============================================================================
31 +1. Commands *smartsplit-commands*
32 +
33 + *smartsplit-Split* *:Split*
34 +Split A smart version of the |:split| command. Open a new
35 + split in the current tab. The direction is
36 + determined in reference to the value of
37 + 'textwidth' for the current buffer (defaulting to
38 + 80). If the horizontal space is greater than twice
39 + the current 'textwidth' value, then the split is
40 + made vertically. Otherwise the split is
41 + horizontal.
42 +
43 + *smartsplit-New* *:New*
44 +New A smart version of |:new|. Horizontal versus
45 + vertical splitting is determined as described in
46 + |:Split|.
47 +
48 + *smartsplit-Buffer* *:Buffer*
49 +Buffer A smart version of |:buffer|. Horizontal versus
50 + vertical splitting is determined as described in
51 + |:Split|.
52 +
53 + *smartsplit-Help* *:Help*
54 +Help A smart version of |:help|. Horizontal versus
55 + vertical splitting is determined as described in
56 + |:Split|.
57 +
58 +=============================================================================
59 +2. ABOUT *smartsplit-about*
60 +
61 +More details can be found in or by navigating to:
62 +
63 +
64 +
65 +vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:

plugin/smartsplit.vim (created)

1 +"
3 +" AUTHOR: Daniel Moch <daniel AT danielmoch DOT com>
5 +" VERSION: 0.1.0-dev
6 +"
7 +if exists('g:loaded_smartsplit') || &cp
8 + finish
9 +endif
10 +
11 +let g:loaded_smartsplit = 1
12 +let s:save_cpo = &cpo
13 +set cpo&vim
14 +
15 +function! s:WinWidth()
16 + let l:textwidth = &tw ? (&tw + 8) : 80
17 + echo l:textwidth
18 + if &number
19 + let l:numwidth = &numberwidth > len(line('$')) + 1 ?
20 + \ &numberwidth : len(line('$')) + 1
21 + else
22 + let l:numwidth = 0
23 + endif
24 + return winwidth(0) > (2 * l:textwidth) + (2 * l:numwidth)
25 +endfunction
26 +
27 +function! s:ScratchBuffer() abort
28 + let l:wincmd = s:WinWidth() ? 'vnew' : 'new'
29 + exec l:wincmd
30 + setlocal bufhidden=hide buftype=nofile noswapfile
31 +endfunction
32 +
33 +function! s:DiffOpt()
34 + if s:WinWidth()
35 + set diffopt+=vertical
36 + else
37 + set diffopt-=vertical
38 + endif
39 +endfunction
40 +
41 +function! s:NewWindow(...)
42 + if a:0 == 0
43 + let l:filename = ''
44 + else
45 + let l:filename = a:1
46 + endif
47 + if s:WinWidth()
48 + execute 'vnew '.l:filename
49 + else
50 + execute 'new '.l:filename
51 + endif
52 +endfunction
53 +
54 +function! s:Help(topic)
55 + if s:WinWidth()
56 + execute 'vert help '.a:topic
57 + else
58 + execute 'help '.a:topic
59 + endif
60 +endfunction
61 +
62 +function! s:Buffer(...)
63 + let l:splitcmd = s:WinWidth() ? 'vsplit' : 'split'
64 + execute l:splitcmd
65 + if a:0 == 1
66 + execute bufnr(a:1).'buffer'
67 + endif
68 +endfunction
69 +
70 +augroup smartsplit
71 + autocmd!
72 + autocmd VimResized * call <sid>DiffOpt()
73 + autocmd VimEnter * call <sid>DiffOpt()
74 +augroup END
75 +
76 +command! -complete=file -nargs=? New call <sid>NewWindow(<f-args>)
77 +command! -complete=help -nargs=1 Help call <sid>Help(<f-args>)
78 +command! -complete=buffer -nargs=1 Buffer call <sid>Buffer(<f-args>)
79 +command! Split call <sid>Buffer()
80 +
81 +let &cpo = s:save_cpo
82 +unlet s:save_cpo
83 +" vim: et sts=4 sw=4 tw=72